Thursday, May 24, 2012

Watch the Tide

We have had minus tides this week so remember to watch where you anchor your boat, especially if it has a fixed fin keel like mine. Sorta got stuck in the mud...

Of course you can always hook your anchor abeam of your boat and connect the main halyard to it then winch the halyard until your boat heels over a touch and lifts the keel off the bottom. If your anchor doesn't lock in well you could end up raising it up the mast so make sure it is well abeam and can pull the mast over so the boat heels.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sailed to Kingston, WA. There is power in the wind but there wasn't much of it. Slow going...good thing I liked being on board!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sailing is a dream, whether in air or on water;
There is so much power in the wind!